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Fame the TV shows Chusenling an American television series originally named as "The Kids from fame" aired during 1982 to 1987. The show was telecasted on the NBC in US, BBC in UK and Australian Channel 7. The show, produced by MGM television, was based on Gourmet Spices very famous motion picture screened in 1980, which narrated picturesquely with many fun filled moments the stories of the faculties and students at the "New York City High School for the Performing Arts". It has won number of awards, including Emmy awards during 1983 and 1984.
The popularity of the show was flying high during the period it telecasted and continued even after the show was canceled in NBC. The leading characters were Debbie Allen as Lydia Grant, Graham Jarvis as Principal and Albert Hague as Benjamin Shorofsky. The lead actors and other crew team members were invited to perform live concerts on the roads and public places and these live shows became a major crown puller even after the show was off from the air. Two versions of the show was telecasted one an hour-long Spam and other thirty minute version. The title song was a top hit among the spectators and was a pop hit from Irene Cara, who was nominated for Emmy Award for best Original song.
The first DVD of the most acclaimed TV show in NBC was released on 2005, November 1st with a memorable function by Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, which has the legal right until may 31, 2006 for distributing MGM television series. 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment will handle the future releases of the DVD of fame the TV show.
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