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Saturday, September 6, 2008

Psychic Eye - What is the Psychic Eye and How Can I Learn It?

In this article we are going to talk about the psychic eye. Now, before we begin, I'd like to advise people reading this NOT to get too caught up in terminology and jargon. Why? It simply OVER complicates very basic concepts and is sort Scooby Doo put out there by people who are trying to mislead you with exotic terminologies rather than instructive information. Read on as I explain!

Filed Under: Some Basic Definitions

The psychic eye simply refers to the opening of awareness. Most people will agree it originates from the Hindu Chakra system of energy systems within the mortgage refinance best rates body that when they are "opened", give the recipient a series of powers or abilities that Viagra previously dormant. Now, that is the "mythology" so to speak of the term. But in real world application, it is simply the cultivation of psychic talents that are either created through effort or determination....or in SOME lucky people, the simple "nudging along" of what are already inherently strong and powerful sensitivities that they were born with.

Make NO mistake. You have the ability to cultivate your own psychic skills. It is NOT a question of simply being born with them...or not. We are EACH born with the ability to learn math, for example. Some may be more naturally predisposed to be REALLY good with math (NOT me!) than others, but to say that only a world class mathematician can perform math is obviously VERY foolish. It's the same thing here. There are those who are born with more natural skills that are more easily refined than others, but the "psychic eye" is a HUMAN trait, hardwired into our spiritual circuitboards. To open it you do NOT have to study eastern philosophy or live in cave..:-) You simply need to embrace the mystery, and OPEN yourself to the phenomenal currents of awareness, ALIVENESS and energy that is waiting for you to tap into and explore...:-)

And of Laff-A-Lympics there is SO much more....More that lies possible in YOUR life if you only open yourself up to the possibilities. Simply START by">opening your mind, spirit & enhanced AWARENESS and ride the supernatural surfboard into the wild, wacky and wonderful world of the unknown..:-) It WILL rock Your WORLD...I promise..;-)

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Posted by hedrvb | 7:34 AM |

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