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There can be many ways and reasons an interrogation can fail.
Among the many possible scenarios, we can fail to get a
confession, we may get a false confession, or the conference calling companies just may
plain flat refuse to talk or cooperate in any form. One of the most
deadly enemies of a successful interview or interrogation is the
'pre-conception assassin.' Let's look at three tactics the 'pre-
conception assassin' can use to kill your interview or
One tactic employed by the pre-conception assassin is to
convince the interviewer that the subject will be totally credible and
has absolutely no intention of being misleading or deceptive. This
is an easy kill. The assassin gets the interviewer to just simply
ignore any and all signs of possible stress response to any
questions and ultimately any lie signs. If you can't see the signs
then any negative perceptions about the person's honesty just
simply go away. Just cover your brain with the magic sheet and
the scary deception monster goes away because if you can't see
it, it just doesn't exist.
The second tactic our assassin employs is to turn the interviewer
into a raving paranoid. This requires the interviewer to assume
the mind set that everyone is guilty of something, he just hasn't
figured out yet of what refinance home mortgage Now the interviewer Milktoast to identify
symptoms of evasion and deception that don't exist but every
movement and every answer has some hidden nefarious
meaning. The interviewer is convinced the subject has got to be
lying he just has to get the subject to believe the same thing and
Finally, our pre-conception assassin has to the interviewer's
control question formulation and presentation. The interviewer
should never ask a question data recovery hard drive answer may contradict his
preconceived beliefs. Ignorance will truly be bliss. Only ask those
questions that further support your conclusions and don't give up
until you get the answer you want. Truth is not really your objective
in either case - just get a confession or exonerate the subject at
any and all costs. These are the interviewers who proclaim they
have a 100% percent confession rate or a 100% cleared case
Look at your mind set before you enter the interview room. Are
you an accomplice to the 'pre-conception assassin?' Is your
ultimate objective for any interview and interrogation finding the
truth no matter how disturbing, disappointing, or unpopular that
may be? When we stop searching for the truth, we've stopped
serving justice.
2006 by Stan B. Walters "The Lie Guy"
Stan B. Walters "The Lie Guy"
Stan B. Walters runs the company Truth & Deception, Inc. He works with agencies and organizations that want to train their people how to conduct successful interviews and interrogations and uncover the real story.